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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prophet Liabunya Predicts Doom For Lazarus Chakwera

Malawian highly respected man of God, Senior Prophet Austin Liabunya has once again predicted ‘doom’ for President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera.

In a statement posted on his official facebook page Liabunya appealed to Malawians to pray for Chakwera and wife Monica.

Senior Prophet Liabunya further said President Chakwera will soon be implicated in a court issue, and that will mark the end of his political career.

“ For the past weeks now I have been troubled in my SPIRIT to pray for the health of our beloved Mama Chakwera, the peace of our President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera  and Honorable Mkaka (for undisclosed reason).

“President Chakwera will be a victim of the mistakes of others close to him if PERSISTENT prayer is not done.

“So fellow men of God please let’s pray for these three people against these two areas: Healthy as a result of witchcraft and Court case he would be implicated in and the people trusted to handle it can’t be trusted,” posted Liabunya

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