Father Thomas Muhosa, a Malawian Roman Catholic Priest convicted of murdering a person with albinism in Machinga district, today broke down in court and pleaded for mercy.
In his mitigation, Father Muhosa said he is now a reformed person and pleaded pleaded with the court to be lenient with him so that he can go and preach to people on repentance.
“I am pleading for your Mercy. I know that l have offended many. Please My Lady l have changed.
“I am not the same person. I have changed alot in prison. l have learnt alot that has changed my life.
My presence in prison was important. I am not a criminal My Lady. This mistake just happened; I am here because l was tricked by a police officer. I just beg for your Mercy. I am a changed person,” said father Muhosa in a fully packed court room
Earlier, the state asked the High court in Blantyre to hand a life imprisonment sentence to a Father Thomas Muhosa and 11 other convicts.
Senior State Advocate, Pilirani Masanjala, said the convicts carefully planned to commit the offence which caused loss of life.
Meanwhile, High Court in Blantyre has shifted the sentencing of Muhosa and 11 other convicts to June 27.
Among those to be sentenced in connection with Masambuka’s murder apart from Father Muhosha include police officer Chikondi Chileka, the deceased’s biological brother Kassim Masambuka and Machinga District Hospital Clinical Officer, Lumbani Kamanga.