Political analysts says Vice President Michael Usi has a huge decision to make, saying his is currently homeless politically.

Wonderful Mkhutche feels Usi “is in a political no-man’s land. He is not in MCP as well as not in UTM”.
However, Mkhutche said Usi “doesn’t need to get comfortable in this position [ vice presidency] due to its glitters. He still has a huge decision to make.
“He says, what was more daunting on Usi was to prove his worth, in as far as political capital was concerned: ” right now, he has none and we are moving towards elections where MCP will be looking for a running mate and they will want someone to bring in people. As an individual, Michael Usi has no people to support his ambitions.”
Concuring with Mkhutche, another political analyst Ernest Thindwa says while any political party, including MCP, is likely to welcome Usi, the VP does not have the political clout nor the electoral appeal to give any party a decisive edge.
Thindwa further feels that “political odds are sharply against him in the prevailing electoral terrain largely shaped by the demise of Chilima”.
The two analysts were talking to The Nation on Wednesday.