By Hesi Chikoko

This week, this page will celebrate and give a shout out to opposition political leaders that stood above party politics and put the country first after the June plane crash. I will start with no other than PROF ARTHUR PETER MUTHARIKA.
During the entire period, he really behaved like a statesman and remained magnanimous! He did not sink low like the leaders of other political parties to speculate on what happened in Chikangawa for political expediency. He had every opportunity to do that. He had a convention speech, press conferences and TV interviews. People even tried to activate him by giving him some ululation and chants of affirmation during the funeral of the late Vice President in Ntcheu.
He did not get excited and intoxicated by that, and use any of the platforms he had to point fingers at anyone but only encouraged that we find out what happened so that the nation should know. He did not say anything that he had no facts for. He demonstrated to us all that he is a guarded and responsible politician who does not just open his mouth like a parrot. For this, I give a big THANK YOU to Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika. Ulemu wanu a Polofesa. (Footnote: I am not a member of DPP and I have no hidden agenda here. I am posting this with much sincerity and in the spirit of nation-building).