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HomeLatestGhetto King Fredokiss Pens Chakwera: ‘Mr President, Selective Justice is Evil’

Ghetto King Fredokiss Pens Chakwera: ‘Mr President, Selective Justice is Evil’

Dear Mr President,

This is your chance to side with the poor majority- FREDOKISS

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I will not waste much of your time and forgive my bilingual as I have a liking for my mother tongue. Also forgive this medium but it’s the only way I feel the message will get to you. Njira zinazo tayesa and zakanika. Through this platform you can read anywhere. I hope you understand.

Mr President, I know you are aware of the issue of Selective Justice with regards to the John Mussa Case. I will not repeat what is already contained in our petition. As concerned youth, on 22 September we had a peaceful parade which respected all offices including yours.

Despite the general belief that achinyamata ndife osokoneza and okonda za chipolowe, our parade was peaceful and orderly. Till this day, more than a month now we have not received any feedback from your office. We went to the DC and he said this is beyond his office. Tadikila and tayesesa koma we are not getting feedback.

Mr President, I wish to remind you that you are not just a President for rich people and those that surround you. You are not just a President for those who are benefiting from your Job. You are not just a president for a few. God made you President for both the rich and the poor across the country.

Every day we hear of people around you stealing millions and billions of government resources and all of them are free. They get arrested in the morning and freed in the afternoon. It is as if we have two constitutions in this country; one for the rich and one for the poor.

The Case of John Mussa is straightforward and you pardoning the poor boy would mean a lot to the poor majority in this country. You know that pardoning him is constitutional and has nothing to do with interference of separation of powers. Section 89(2) is in the constitution. You do not need Forex or fuel to free Mussa, just your will and mercy.

Others have argued that only those who have served half of their jail term can be pardoned, there is evidence to the contrary. Is it not true that you Pardoned Prophet Sabao who only served less than a year of his ten-year jail sentence? I stand to be corrected on this.

Mr President, remember, presidents come and go, ministers come and go but the people and history will always be here. I know a lot of people are advising you to ignore this issue chifukwa ikukhudza anthu osauka but, take your time to analyse these so-called advisors, they are doing worse to this country compared to the John Mussa’s.

This is your chance to side with the poor majority. This is your chance to symbolically acknowledge that Selective Justice is evil. Your chance to make positive history. Your chance to exercise your mercy within the law.

Mr President, we have made it clear throughout that we are not pushing for a lawless society, we are not promoting anarchy in any way, we are not attacking the Judiciary nor are we in any way disrespecting your office but rather we are appealing to you and your office to have mercy and use your powers we have seen your office use before. Tayesetsa as youth and your silence on this issue speaks volumes.

Lastly Mr President, as I am writing this ndili pa nzele wa mafuta. Three days now. Zinthu sizili bwino. Asakunamizeni okuzungulirani. Sizili bwino kuno. See you in 2025.

Yours-Son of the Soil

Fredo Penjani Kalua

Leader-Concerned Youth



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