By James Ngalande

Dowa, January 24, Mana: The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) through the department of Public Education has embarked in awareness campaign meetings sensitizing remote communities on how they can fight against corruption in their areas.
In one of the meetings held at Mkhalanjoka Primary School in the area of Tradtional Authority (T/A) Chiwere in Dowa district, ACB advocated and sensitized the communities on how corruption happens and where they can report if they witness corrupt practices happening in their areas.
Speaking during the meeting ACB Public Education officer Tapiwa Nyoni, said that they are conducting these mass rallies to the rural communities to bridge the information gap about anti-corruption messages to the communities.
“We have noted that corrupt practices happening in the rural areas usually goes unreported due to lack of knowledge. Therefore the Bureau regarded it very significant to embark in these mass meetings to equip the communities with relevant information on how they can fight against corruption in their areas and country at large,” she said.
In his remarks, Senior Group village headman Chiwere, commended the ACB for bringing messages on corruption prevention to remote areas.
“We are very grateful with what ACB is doing for extending the messages about fighting corruption to the remote areas.
This is very significant because people will now be taking part in reporting all the corrupt practices occurring in their areas hence creating corrupt free communities and country at large,” he said.
To spice up the mass rally, ACB organised a football bonanza with a prize money worthy MK85,000 where Mphande football club and Hardnokers all from Mvera trading center in the district competed.
At the end of the match the Hardnokers became victorious by defeating Mphande fc 5-1 and walked away with k50000 and the trophy whilst Mphande went home with k35000.
This is a means of misusing the already depleted resources. Those who are engaged in stealing our taxes are in their offices in Lilongwe you then choose to deliberately go astray by targeting the wrong recipients in the village, whatever your sensitisation exercise was all about? The chamba you people from the ACB are smoking surpasses that from Nkhota-kota. Was it not a couple of days ago that your office was complaining of lack of funds to function properly, and from nowhere you’re capable of getting funds only to waste time with innocent villagers, really? Stop playing with Malawians minds. How can you be taken seriously when your priorities are all mixed up? That is nonsense.
Corruption will not end by playing football but if we make it painful to the perpetrators. We seem to glorify corruption and allow thieves to enjoy their loot. They are building houses. Driving posh cars and sending children to elite schools with ill gotten wealth while we watch and clap hands for them.