By Lovemore Khomo

High Court in Lilongwe has adjourned the appeal hearing of conviction and sentence for the former Information Minister Henry Mussa and the ministry’s director Gedion Munthali.
The hearing failed to commence today before Justice Eddah Ngwira on the grounds that the defense failed to file relevant documents to the court.
Justice Ngwira has since cautioned the defense for failing to file the court with documents, and advised them to never again repeat the mistake.
Ngwira has adjourned the case to 11th July, 2023 on which the court is expected to hear the appeal application and make a ruling on bail application filed earlier this month.
Commenting, State Prosecutor, Dzikondianthu Malunda said they will wait for the defense to file such documents as it is their case to prove.
Henry Mussa and Gedion Munthali are serving 8 and 9 year sentences respectively for conspiracy to steal, felony, receiving theft items and theft by public servants.