Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeLatestMalawi Police Continues to Face Scathing criticism

Malawi Police Continues to Face Scathing criticism

A decision by Malawi Police Service to introduce a driving school continues to attract scathing criticism from social commentators in the country.  

In his recent Video Clip Social and Political Commentator, Rodney Salamu, strongly believes the idea will kill private players in the industry.

“The decision by the Malawi police service to introduce a driving school will kill private driving schools in the country, the idea must to revised and aborted” said Salamu

He also appealed to the government to create a conducive business environment to local players in the driving school industry.

“Instead of introducing police driving schools, the government should make a favorable environment for local players in the industry. This is the only way to grow the economy,” said Salamu in a 2 minutes long video clip.

SALAMU: Police must abort the idea

In an interview with local media, President for the Association Grecious Kubwalo feared the move will suffocate driving school businesses in the country.

“We are very concerned with this move by the law enforcers and in all fairness they should reflect on this decision before it is affected,” Kubwalo said.

However, Malawi Police national Spokesperson Peter Kalaya wondered with the concerns saying this drive will also need support of the Driving school association.


Rhodney Salamu– is a social media influencer and commentator based in Chitipa district. He uses social media platforms to comment on various issues affecting the country.

Contact Details:

Phone: +265991394800



  1. The Malawi Police Service is run by tax payers money. That being the case they shouldn’t be allowed to run a Driving School unless the services provided will be free of charge. Making learner drivers pay for learning how to drive by policemen is cheating, cheating because you are making Malawians pay twice 1. Paying for the maintenance and running of the police 2. Paying for them to be trained as drivers.

    Since when has a government department started to introduce policies, rules and regulations, modus operandi etc without the issue going through parliament for accent by the August House? When we say MCP is living in self denial and refusing to accept that we are in a new political dispensation (Multi-party Democracy) they cannot get it up to now. No wonder MACRA is working as an organisation belonging to a party and working against the owners of the land. All that is sheer madness and lack of understanding on how a country is handled. Shame on Kwantele and his cohorts.


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