Let me applaud the decision by courageous and patriotic members of the Public Appointments Committee (PAC) to reject Ombudsman Martha Chizuma as the new Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director.
Martha is a compromised Political hack. Martha has no temperament, discipline and professional maturity for such sensitive position of trust and power.
She is more concerned with praises from social media party supporters and appointing powers than the truth. It’s all about her career advancement and strategic positioning within Tonse Administration.
This important position ought to be occupied by apolitical professional not by an overly ambitious and rotten political stooge like Martha. In Martha’s Malawi, only DPP and UDF supporters commit crimes. Here’s why Malawi is rotten with decaying morals.
Imagine Seodi White or Linda Kunje with triple experience and qualifications than Martha being rejected by PAC, I guarantee you, the MCP military wing HRDC leaders would be celebrating the decision and cheering these patriotic PAC lawmakers. But alas, as long as the target is anyone affiliated with DPP or UDF, it’s a fair game. Hypocrites!
We need someone in that position that we all can trust and have faith that his or her decision is based solely on facts not political orientation or political vendetta. Martha isn’t one of them. Let her join active politics. Bravo PAC! Bravo Democracy!
Pac you did a commendable job. This lady really wants to attain political scores like the cj. She is laz’s wheeping boy. One thing people forget is that all politicians think the same way and they know the true characters of this lady. The way she manages things could one day back fire and ended up in scotching her appointing fingers when the tables overturned. She lacks the apolitical stamina ressembled in the immediate past boss, matemba, who could left no stone unturned to probe into high profile dpp gurus like chaponda and even apm’s accounts were probed while they were in government. All the cases involving deemed dpp cadets, she ruled against them. This is where she got her political populace support and our worry is that she’s obssessed with it. In actual sense she is a weakling who can easily be manipulated by the ruling camp and she can try all her best to act like a football player who works hard in rythmic pattern to jeers from myopic and theoretical supporters.