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Please Rise To The Occasion Mr. President, People Are Dying Like Rotten Sheep


CHAKWERA: Sleeping on duty

There are no bed spaces for Covid patients at KCH. There is no equipment for the doctors and nurses to work with. People are dying like rotten sheep. A patient nearly died today when the whole Covid section at KCH had no oxygen flowmeter which costs less that 100 litres of gasoline (ministers get 500 litres of fuel monthly). Well wishers had to donate a dozen of them.

Tell Lazarus and Saulos to turn Zomba State Lodge and all those other State Lodges which are currently not in use into special Covid Hospitals.

Procure adequate equipment. Employ those graduate nurses and doctors who are just loafing around without a job and yet we are in a crisis. A health crisis. Put our taxes to a better use.

For once. Stop taking us for statistics. This idiocy must stop. “Ndalama zichokera kuti?”Reduce the number of cabinet ministers to 12. Kamuzu once had a 12 member cabinet. Kwacha was equal in value to a British Pound.

We can’t afford paying for 31 useless ministers who have nothing to show apart from their potbellies.

In a crisis like this, we can’t afford 21 useless presidential advisors. Advising him on what? On prayer and fasting?

We could save a minimum of 5 billion kwacha by doing away with useless advisors and a bloated cabinet whose existence is merely there to reward family members, party zealots and tribal cronies.

Pool those funds and institute a strict economic regimen. Our health system can resurrect like the Biblical Lazarus.

Stop making us believe that you just hated Peter Mutharika. You had no plan for this country.

Before I vindicate APM, Mr Lazarus Chakwera and your Tonse Alliance, please rise to the occasion. We can’t afford a useless leadership.

Stop the sterile speeches which do nothing to raise up a new life for Malawians. Do not sabotage our hope. Stop those enigmatic cloaks of dense metaphors. Sitingachile ku Covid chifukwa cha American accent.



  1. Pajatu iwowa anatiuza nthawi ya campaign ija ndi anzawo a Klaus kuti iwo ndiye ozitha zinthuzi

    Nanga zataninso panopa? Nzeru zabedwa? Waba ndani abale? Chonde yemwe waba nzeru za Lazarus abweze.

  2. Wise words, I totally agree with you, I don’t see any logic in having so many minister’s while the healthy personnel is just too little, the allowances the ministers get is totally different to that of healthy personnel

  3. Zoti ndalama kulibezo ine ndiye ndikuletseratu. Mnzanutu, nkhalamba ija che saulo inkayendetsa dziko ndi zero aid, mitsonkho yathu yokha komanso zitukuko kumamenya. Namani zina, ngati apm ankakwanitsa kupanga zonse zija komanso mumati ndi gulu lake zinali mbava zotheratu ndiye kuti inuyo munayenera kupanga zonse ankachita zija +++++++++++. Tisapusitsanepo apa, tinamizeni zina. Term yonse ya apm we had natural catastrophies but the guy was just great. Ganizani zochita apa or just consult blair.


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