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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Speaker Gotani Hara ‘Completely’ Out Of Order

Partisan Speaker Gotani Hara Out Of Order

In these trying times Malawi Parliamentary Speaker Gotani Hara, is exposing her ignorance and showing herself to be overwhelmed by circumstance, needing advise from someone who really understands The Malawi Constitution and how power is separated between Judiciary, Lawmakers which she is part of and The Presidency.

The Lady is simply looking lost and most probably getting direction from Lazarus Chakwera.

The Malawi Parliament should seek legal guidance from the office of the Attorney General before running to the questionable ConCourt which started this mess in the first place.

Madam Speaker and her MCP team have rushed to the High 5 judges posing as ConCourt before the legal committee of parliament met and discussed these issues.

The action reveals a lot about the symbiotic relationship the corrupt judges have with the Malawi Congress party (MCP).

The High Court sitting as a Constitutional Court in February recommended that Parliament amends the Constitution to accommodate some reforms on majority interpretation.

Even the 5 ConCourt judges did not recommend a backdoor and unwarranted introduction of new bills. They knew the supremacy of the Malawi Constitution and that it is over and above any other laws.

Hon. Gotani Hara and her overzealous friends knew this very well that’s why they attempted to amend the Constitution first, but they did not have the required numbers.

In an act of desperation, they used simple majority to push for the passing of a new bill with the reforms.

They then sent this new side law to the President for assenting knowing very well that what they were sending to the President wasn’t what the ConCourt recommended.

The current stunt where Speaker of Parliament is reporting to Court that President did not assent to the side laws is both alarming and shameful. What she should have been reporting to Court was the fact that Parliament had failed to amend the Supreme Law of the land to include certain reforms.

Corrupt Hi5 ConCourt Judges

She should have been reporting the failure of Parliament not any absence of assent to bills that were not required by the ConCourt in the first place.

Analysts are dismayed as to what has to lead the Speaker of Parliament to skip the Legal committee of Parliament which is represented by all political parties in the house.

What is it that she has found more attractive in the corrupt High 5 judges who have caused the current constitutional crisis?

Madam Speaker our law is very clear that if the state president does not sign the bills, the bills are sent back to parliament to be discussed again. So why the rush?  is it incompetence or something more nefarious?

Why is the Speaker of parliament avoiding the house to scrutinize the bills again? This is the way laws are debated and passed in Malawi

Malawians deserve a better service from their parliament; the wills of the people are invested in their parliament and not 5 paid-up opposition judges. Parliament is not a one-man show.

Gotani Hara has shown herself to be overwhelmed, in over her head. She needs to resign as in these trying times Malawians deserves a competent speaker.

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  1. what do u know about constitution apart from being an overzealous cadet who z afraid of being found scanvenging in dustibin? you selfish people busy marauding people’s taxes at your own Pearl? justice mponda, mollande amd pato phoya we know u. tik tok we will smoulder you!!!!

  2. Add your comment. This write-up is very partisan.The writer should know that the current crop of readers is well aware of prejudiced versions of the status quo. Therefore the better option for our dear brother is to heed this advice*The truth remains in your conscience,serve it well lest it trashes your intellect

  3. Gotani is out of her depth because she knows she can’t pass illegal bills in parliament. She previously failed to change the constitution so she is rushing to the courts where corrupt judges are supposed to help her.

  4. The worst and biased speaker we have ever had. She is partisan and clueless. She does not even understand the constitution. A president has the prerogative to assent or NOT to assent to bills.

  5. The opposition failed to get two-thirds majority and failed to change the constitution. Gotani knows pretty well she can’t get the bills passed.


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