Some people within northern region that feel uncomfortable with Engineer Vitumbiko A.Z. Mumba, for selfish reasons best known to themselves, have targeted Mumba for barbaric propaganda to dent his image. Mumba, known for his decency and commitment to community service from long time ago, has recently been nurturing Malawian youth on the principles of leadership on top of his various activities. The latest one which was publicised, was the Public Lecture at Mzuzu University. However, this laudable venture appears to have incited an alarming backlash from three politicians in the northern region.
These individuals, perhaps feeling threatened by Mumba’s good acts, have conspired to tarnish his reputation. Malawi Voice has unearthed this malicious campaign which started with a secret meeting in Mzuzu soon after the Public Lecture. Here, seven Mzuzu based journalists were enlisted to spearhead the dubious mission.
A high-profile female politician known for her political prostitution, dispatched her Personal Assistant to the covert meeting, signifying the initiation of their dubious plot. Facebook posts, initially intended for circulation within MCP WhatsApp groups, were their chosen ammunition.
A selected few members of the MCP Media Team were recruited for this initiative, using their paid-per-post tactics to jumpstart the campaign. The first attack, a Facebook post, was disseminated by Mr. Ken Zikhale Ng’oma to numerous inboxes and MCP WhatsApp groups. Mr. Ng’oma was heavily chided and told off by all members that commented on his post save for one. However, out of respect for those who took a stand against such an absurd act, we have chosen to withhold the evidence.
The actions of Zikhale, known as one of Malawi’s most notorious political drifters, left many right-minded Malawians questioning his motives. Following the backlash, the covet group shifted their campaign from WhatsApp to online media and Facebook.
Our source continues to gather further details, including the online platforms within and outside Malawi this group plans to exploit. Early signs suggest they’re already setting their machinations into motion.
In a suspicious incident, a numberless vehicle was spotted removing banners for Eng. Mumba’s Public Lecture at Mzuzu University in the dead of night, two days before the event. Despite this petty act of sabotage, the lecture enjoyed widespread coverage and a large turnout. Such underhanded tactics seem to be part of a larger scheme to undermine Mumba’s activities while protecting their own political interests.
Sources indicate that those behind this smear campaign are notorious for peddling lies. However, the truth has a way of catching up, and their deception is gradually coming to light. Why a simple public lecture, aimed at empowering the youth, has provoked such trepidation remains a puzzle.
As we wait for more details to unfold, it’s important to remember that the alleged attacks on Engineer Mumba can be viewed as a desperate reaction to his activities.
As more reports filter in, we’ll be ready to share additional commentary. Keep an eye out!