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HomeLatestSHOCKER!Northern region water board in a free for all plunder

SHOCKER!Northern region water board in a free for all plunder

Northern Region Water Board( NRWB) is expected to spend over K13 million on a two day board meeting scheduled at Chatonda Lodge in NkhataBay District.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 21 June, 2023

According to the leaked document that Malawi Voice has seen the Board meeting has been called to shortlist candidates for the position of Chief Executive Officer.

All board members and top management have been called to attend to the shortlisting exercise.

Board Chair Frank Mwenefumbo and HE Chakwera

Director of Finance Francis Munthali is the acting Chief of Executive Officer of the Board. He took over from one of the celebrated civil servant, Engineer Titus Mtegha who retired last year in December.

NRWB was established as a wholly-owned government entity under the Water Works Act No. 17 of 1995 in 1996.

The board is mandated to supply potable water and waterborne sanitation service to urban and peri-urban areas and serve the population of about 2.9 million people in the Northern Region.

NRWB is currently supplying water in Mzuzu City, Nkhata Bay, Mzimba, Rumphi, Karonga and Chitipa districts.



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