By Ireen Kayira
Lilongwe, Mana: Leaders in Lions Club District 412B have been challenged to be vigilant in carrying out duties of rendering their services to the communities.

This was said on Monday after the Regional Lions Leadership Institute Training which was held in Lilongwe for various leaders in the District412B (Malawi and Mozambique).
In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) in Lilongwe,District Governor for Malawi and Mozambique, Lion Ken Banda said the duty of Lions was to serve communities as such Lions need to play an active role in helping those in need.
“When they get back to their communities they must use the knowledge that they have acquired here to improve in the delivery of services as they reach out to different communities with different needs.
“There are various problems that our societies are facing that require more hands to deal with them as such we are asking Lions to make sure that they are part of fighting the problems because that is the purpose of Lionism,” he said
Banda added that currently the Club has five main pillars which they focus on namely are sight, childhood cancer, diabetes, environment and hunger.
“Within the five pillars the Clubs are actively engaged in coming up with projects that reach out to communities around these needs as well as outside the pillars,” he said.
One of the trainees Lion,Godwin Ng’oma from Mandala Lions Club in Blantyre said the training have enlighten them a lot in terms of leadership.
“As Lions, we need to lead a Club so that you can serve the communities better so this training has taught us how we can carry ourselves as leaders as well as in our everyday life,” he said.