Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Poets Voice Out On Covid-19

By Elizabeth Mandala, MANA

There is a lot that needs to be done – poet Madzedze

Malawian poets have reached out to their fans and the rest of the world with several messages on the deadly COVID-19 disease and the need for everyone to be vigilant in taking precaution measures against the disease.

One of the poets Joseph Madzedze who has released a poem titled “Basopundi Corona Virus” said he is shocked to see a disease that has spread so fast across the world and killed a lot of people in a short period of time.

He said the situation shows how deadly the virus is in spreading the disease and as an influencer he thought it wise to take a role in sending out messages on the disease.

“There is a lot that needs to be done in a very short period of time to make sure that everyone has received the message on the COVID-19 otherwise if this hits the country then we might all be in danger,” he said.

In the poem Madzedze clearly outlines how deadly the disease is.

“Yazingwitsa mafuko nthendayi/a sayansi nzeluzatha/azungu azunguzika ndipo yawathetsa mankhalu chonena alibe.

Yadzetsa kusalana kolona/zoti chikondi chili mmanja ife nkumapatsana moni wathabwa lerokulije.”

He further mentions that preventing COVID-19 is everyones responsibility by following all precaution measures as given by health experts.

Ndi nthawinso yomweyi yomwe ungathe kuziziteteza poti kutetezeka maka pomwa madzi otentha pafupipafupi kudya adyo, ginger mandimu ndikusamba mmanja mwakapite kapite ndi sopo.”

He said the disease is preventable hence the need for all to take a step and follow  preventive measures saying if communities become ignorant in following these measures citizens will regret should the disease spread into the country.

He further advised fellow poets not to relent but take their talent as an opportunity to produce awareness messages that will help the country in the fight against COVID-19.

The poem, which Madzedze said took him a few hours to compose, was recorded at Alfred Tambala’s studio.

The four and half minutes’ poem has a Master Tongole “nzeruzatha” song as an effect which is also talking about the same COVID-19.

So far the poem is circulating in all social media platforms including the Sapitwa poetry website and intends to take it to radio stations so that it can reach out to the rest who have no access to social media.

Eunice Sangambe is also another poet currently on lockdown in United Arab Emirates and has released a video with a poem titled “Coronavirus” carrying COVID-19 message with the aim of reaching out to as many fans as possible.

Her video posted on her Facebook and Instagram ends with the message “Please stay at home. People are dying each day, the virus doesn’t spread on its own we spread it across, Coronavirus is real, Stay safe!”



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